Footwear is most important part of fashion stuff in our daily lifestyle, only footwear there are many variations available like slippers, flip flops, shoes, sandals etc; Only in shoes has many variation you can find like Formal Shoes, Loafers Shoes, Sneakers Shoes, Casual Shoes, Sports Shoes.

Shoe is play a main part in footwear fashions. Because of it will wear into office time, street fashion, travel and every occasions, Just one perfect pair of shoes combination with outfits your will boost your charm front of people. If get perfect shoes combination you can feel the extra confidence inside.

Shoes is only stuff which is most valued which is wear with perfect size with combination style.

Many people get always confusing self shoes wear with outfits. Today i can post 7 best shoes combination which are transform your confusion into the choice.

Formal Shoes

Whenever think about formal shoes only one image come out from the mind which is a black color shoes but there are lots of other colors of shoes appears for transform your look in formal wear, You can try out these colors in formal shoes too like Tan, Brown, Tan Brown Mix, White.

But, black formal shoes are king of formal outfits, but there are variation also available like Without laces formal, With lace, Sharp Shoes etc. Keep in mind your formal shoes are always in shine. Dull and cruses shoes are not likable.

Wear with show socks in the market lots of unique shocks design available, Choose something young and dynamic color with your pair of shoes and combinations with outfits.

Grey with Brown Formal Shoes Combination


Try out brown formal shoes with metallic grey pants with white shirt and necktie. It is very necessary to wear watches and perfect belt with your office clothes.

Brown Formal Shoes with Stone Cream Pant And Sky Blue Shirt


Paired with sky blue shirt with stone color pants with leather brown formal shoes. You will wear a belt, formal style watches etc.

Sneakers Shoes

Sneakers shoes is the advance versions of running shoes, Lots of mens has thoughts sneakers and running shoes are same design and looks, but it totally different by fashion and by look.

There are multiple variation styles available like classic style sneakers, casual sneakers. Just like black is the king of formal shoes color; In sneakers white color is the king of sneakers shoes. If you are looking cool white sneakers here you can find the best information.

If you are go with jeans fashion sneakers shoes is perfect combination style. With T-shirt  or Shirt you can wear a sneakers with it without get confused, There are not an any matter which color of jeans white sneakers are always looks perfect with all types of denim jeans.

One Color Sneakers with Many Outfits


Sneakers shoes wearing with jeans and casual. You can try out with contrast dark color with blue denim jeans. Try with Red, Blue, Navy blue, black.

Red Long Sleeve T-Shirt with Light Blue Jeans White Sneakers

Long Sleeve

Full sleeves with light blue jeans are also the best option with white sneakers shoes.

Loafers Shoes

This shoes you can called casual shoes as well, because you can find the formal loafers and casual loafers looks similar. Loafers looks like semi pointed and bow on tongue part. Loafers has come with multiple colors in fact whatever colors you want it is available in loafers; only brown color has high demand always.


With chinos style pant, Denim jeans pants and casual shirt or casual t-shirt like polo, full sleeves are perfect combination styles.

In loafers segment brown loafers shoes wearing most in the world men will wear with light color combination jeans and related colors are hot favourite loafers shoes in people.

One loafers shoes wear with many outfits combinations, Try out semi-formal dress, casual dress or with street fashion bring the loafers shoes with outfits, 10 out 8 men buy the loafers and wear with wrong combinations of style.

Wear loafers with Casual pants and Denim jeans. Brown loafers shoes are with light and dark colors of outfits and Black loafers shoes are with all types of outfits.

Brown Loafers with Blue Denim Jeans


Sports Shoes

This variants of shoes is high demand in market many people want to purchase best running shoes or sports shoes for of course for gym, outdoor activities etc but with required fashionable and perfect combination as well. In nike brand you can find multiple range of sports shoes they designed and made it as per people requirements. You can get the sneakers, running shoes over this nike brand.

Only Nike has multiple shoes brand like Jordan, Air Max, Yeezy

Running Shoes with Shorts Combination


You can wear the sports or running shoes on street fashion as well but men and women both wants style on any outfits like with jeans with gym clothes etc.

Wear sports shoes with traveller shorts as well, Pair with cool light color shirt with shorts. This is the perfect outfits for go to any beach vacation time.