Venetian plaster is nothing but a modern term that is used to describe an ancient type of coating which was used on buildings and structures known as stuccoes coating. Traditionally, it requires expert craftsmen to create such plasters as in order to achieve the results a lot of different ingredients are required to be used which only a professional knows. However, these days Venetian plaster course can be achieved with the help of ready to be used ingredients or products available in the market. So you can do it by yourself with a little bit of expert guidance. What makes the Venetian plaster course so special is the fact that these products comprise of a special material that is known as an acrylic polymer which helps to produce an enhanced, strong and durable surface which lasts for a long period of time.
You can get yourself Venetian plasters from various paint stores and home centers. Just like paint, these plasters are sold in cans and measured in gallons. There are Venetian plaster course products available in tinted forms as well. There are also products where you can add specific ingredients in order to get the desired color and effect.
Complete Guideline To Use Venetian Plaster Course
1. What Are The Materials And Tools Require
What makes Venetian plaster course so special is the fact that there is no need to use different types of tools to apply it. You would require only the following items and get the plaster applied effectively on the construction or wall.
- A drywall knife or a steel towel.
- Sandpaper of 400-600 grit.
- Venetian Plaster.
Apart from these, there are other items that are required which depending on the working condition in which the worker applies the plaster. Here are some of them.
- Eye goggles.
- Gloves.
- Paint Brush.
- Drop cloth.
- Primer.
- Roller.
- Paint Tray.
- Roller Cover.
- Paste or topcoat wax.
- Universal colorants.
2. Practicing with Venetian Plaster Course-
There is a difference between normal paint and Venetian plaster course. If you are an expert in painting a room that doesn’t make you an expert in working with Venetian plaster as well. If you wish to work with this specific material, then a little amount of practice is required.
If you wish to practice, then buy a drywall sheet and then with the help of a towel apply some plaster. Make sure to use different types of strokes and angles while you are applying it. This will help you to learn about creating different types of textures. In order to get the desired color, it is advisable to add some colorants to the mixture.
3. Prepare the Room First-
The room needs to be cleaned as much as possible before starting to use Venetian plaster course work. Make sure to spread a piece of cloth on the floor at first and cover all furniture. This type of plaster can be used on almost all kinds of ceilings and walls; Make sure that the surface is smooth and flat and is devoid of any kinds of holes or cracks.
4. The First Coat Does Matter A Lot-
Once you have made sure that the room is prepared and you have all the materials available with you, it is time to apply the first coat of Venetian Plaster Course. The first course can be applied with the help of a flexible steel towel or with the help of a drywall knife which is at least 4 to 6 inches in width.
5. The Second Coat
After applying the first coat, it’s time to apply the second coat of Venetian Plaster Course.
6. Finishing Touches
In this step, you need to apply a topcoat and burnish the surface. The topcoat will make sure that the surface is strong and durable
The process of applying Venetian Plaster Course is quite simple and is less expensive. This is one of the reasons as to why it has become so popular over the years