Home renovation has become quite the tough job recently, with a plethora of choices available in the market, and with most homeowners not fully knowledgeable in the business. It is understandable why homeowners might feel intimidated. Ranging from wiring, piping systems to home decor, there is a lot of ground to cover.
One such overlooked matter are furniture and the materials they are made of, most homeowners often overlooked this aspect and get their hands on the first thing that appeals to them immediately without looking into if the said furniture material would suit the house in function or aesthetic appeal.
What is Timber?
Timber is wood prepared for the purpose of use in either carpentry or in building construction. Timber has been in use for hundreds of years, before metallurgy and advanced construction techniques involving iron and cement came in, it was the go to material for carpentry or in the construction of a house. With modern techniques and processes new materials have been introduced to replace timber, despite its timber still is a favourite material choice in carpentry for the many benefits it provides.
Why Should You Get Timber Furniture?
- Unlike other materials, timber is an extremely resilient and durable material. Capable of lasting years while withstanding abuse and with very little maintenance even if it is scratches or spills. You often will find in auction houses and museums, old wooden furniture that has withstood the test of time. Such is it durability and resilience.
- The charm of wood is something incomparable despite newer materials used in the manufacturing of furniture. Timber furniture provides one house with a cosy, yet graceful feel to it, one that is filled with sophistication and charm.
- Wood is a humble material and requires very little in its maintenance. A simple swipe can do all the trick however don’t allow dust or water to settle on your wooden furniture for long periods.
- The cost of production might seem a little higher compared to lower priced materials but wooden furniture made of great quality woods have their values grow as they age with time. This is one reason why people opt for the use of exotic woods in making their furniture as this enables them to reap its benefits years later when its value increases.
- One of the best features of timber furniture is the ability to modify, give it paint or a polish and your old furniture will feel brand new again.
Where to Buy Timber Furniture?
Have you been convinced of the benefits of buying timber furniture now where do we find them? You can look for timber furniture in your local furniture stores, though this might require a little research and preparation as furniture stores deals in all kinds of material, a furniture store specialised in the production of wooden furniture would be your best bet. It is wise to have some knowledge about woods and furniture in general before you go out and get one made or buy premade furniture. It is wise to know the latest rates and charges, so you do not get cheated. Some stores might even offer you a discount. Ask them ahead for discounts before buying.
You can also buy it online, where suppliers from all over the world open digital stores where you can simply browse on your phone or computer and select the options you like and buy them online, this will save you a lot in transportation and logistics costs, as most companies online usually offer delivery to your doorstep.