Holding a product demonstration involving giving away freebies at a trade show or convention. This requires the services of promo models or ambassadors. When planning to carry out a product promotion, using promo models to support your brand is highly recommended. Perhaps you are still having hesitations about the promo models. Here is an ultimate guide to finding promo models for your brand.
Understanding promo models
Promo models are handy marketing and advertising asset. These models play an essential role in creating and reinforcing a brand. You have to realize that your brand is more than the logo. Promo models do more than handing out marketing materials or samples and smiling. The job of promo models isn’t cut and dry as most people think.
Promotional models work diligently to strengthen the bond customers have with your brand. This is through enhanced engagement and widening the market through sales and lead generation. Additionally, promo models foster a connection with various kinds of people during the event. This attracts prospective customers and promotes brand loyalty from existing ones.
Where Do I Find Promo Models?
Event staffing agency
A Dubai modeling agency is the starting point when looking for promo models for your brand. The agency will walk you through the model selection process. This allows finding models with appropriate requirements and experience to match your brand needs. Professional staffing agencies usually have a range of models including male and female with various qualities including knowledge of other languages apart from English.
Event staffing agencies have better chances of understanding what you seek to accomplish your event. Handpicked models from a staffing agency will become an extension of your marketing team to enhance success of your event. Their services will save your regular staff energy, time, and effort especially if you chose the wrong people to operate your stall.
Social media networks
Social media is used for various things today. This is another consideration when trying to find promo models for your brand. Keep in mind that brands reach out to influencers regularly on social media. If your brand has a large following Instagram or Facebook, this can a great way to reach out to customers who actively engage with your brand regularly. These make good brand ambassadors since they are familiar with your brand. Such people are likely to become more enthusiastic about the position leading to genuine enthusiasm shining through.
Brand ambassadors selected from your social media followers will promote your brand online and at your event, all current and potential customers who come to your booth will genuinely engage with an enthusiastic brand ambassador. Even in periods of downtime, the models will promote your brand on their social media pages resulting in increased participation and attendance on your event. Enthusiastic brand ambassadors will always talk about brand on their social media channels or among their social circles whenever they get the opportunity.
Bambi Woods is known to be a pornographic actress back in the 70s and 80s. She was also an exotic dancer back then.
Among your staff
You can as well scout for promo modeling talent in your organization. The trick is similar to picking them from your social media followers. People working in your organization already know your brand compared to bringing someone for a few hours or days. When looking forward to generating more leads and focusing on sales during your event, brand ambassadors selected from your staff will be proud to help. These eliminate investing additional money and time for training and briefing since they already know your products.
Why are promo models important?
After knowing where to find promo models, it is time to be sure that you really need them on your event. Promo models give your brand another opportunity to make a long-lasting impression on all customers including current and potential ones. Brand ambassadors are usually the first and last point of contact for your customers looking forward to interacting with your brand. This allows your brand to make a stellar first impression.
Nice looking, personable, and knowledgeable models on your event will push it to the next level. Customers will love engaging with your promo models leading to a deeper connection with your brand. The models give your brand voice, face, and a sense of humanness to complement your fancy logo and website. Additionally, promo models promote enthusiasm during an event. These are usually excited about your brand making all current and potential customers follow suit.
Bottom line
Promo models come in handy for various situations that make your brand. Luckily, you don’t have to lose sleep over where to find ideal models. You can conveniently contact a reputable staffing agency for handpicked models to match your brand requirements. The models will do more than handing out freebies on your event with a smile. These will make a great impression on clients while giving your brand face and voice.